Friday 19 March 2010

Wonder what the chances are, statistically speaking, of turning up to Loughborough Uni. with the wrong music? Anyway, I managed to contribute to it; turning up with Op.95 instead of Shost 8. Now, in days gone by, I'd have been faced with getting in touch with home and getting someone to cut up my precious part of S8, faxing it ..... indeed, not that long ago, I'd have been at the mercy of local music shops, libraries or poor unsuspecting musicians living in the area. These days though; I call upon the services of my 14yr old who scans the music to my laptop whereupon I can simply print it off. All in a matter of minutes!! Amazing!
We had a really fun time with a bunch of local school kids before the show. They were all into music and had been brought along to our reh by a charming and enterprising teacher. If only there was a bit more of that sort of thing. School kids should be given free access to all concerts etc. in my opinion.

March 7th. Had such a lovely time in Hove. Gorgeous spring day with sun splitting the sky, even the Channel was blue and those hugely impressive white houses were at their very best. Gavin Henderson came along; always nice to see him and we played Bridge (local lad) Britten, Ravel in the round. Also fun. Snapped my Astring on last page but battled on. Even managed to do the encore without it. Had a lovely lunch afterwards with family and our old pal Stephen Clarke, who's pretty much family anyway. Then sat on the beach, walked the pier, kids did very terrifying rides while we fed 10ps into those infernal machines. Watched the sun set, had tea and drove home listening to Sophie Hits Seven......hmmm, ace.

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