Saturday 16 January 2010

Had forgotten what a great hall Eindhoven is. Bit odd-looking but superb acoustic. It was bloomin' freezing there. Main problem is that unless you're into Big Macs it's vert tricky finding something to eat after the show. Anyway, luckily I remembered this little Indonesian place just opp. the stage door. It's up a flight of stairs and they're very nice in there. I managed to get them to stay open for us. Then, during the course of the evening, something happened which made it impossible for them to stick around so rather than leave us in the lurch, we came off stage to find an amazing buffet awaiting us in the green room with beers, wine, the lot.They had prepared it all and brought it over by hand. Lovely example of Christmas Spirit. Fantastic!!

Oh, while we were there we met a quartet and singer who are about to do something in the region of 22 concerts in Holland of a theatrical version of the Juliet Letters ..... more of that anon.

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